Skin and Blister present 'Don't Let Me Die Before Sunday'
Aoife is in A&E... again. But the jazzy-nails-receptionist doesn’t need to know that. Doctors won’t listen and the charity challenge facebook group is popping off. The actor doesn’t want to perform a panic attack, the writer’s going on strike, and the director would rather do a DJ set. How the f*ck do you “correctly” stage a show about anxiety?
Date & Time: Fri 18th - Sun 20th Oct @7pm
Running Time: 60mins
Content warnings: Strong language, flashing lights, depictions and discussions of metal illness
Latecomers may not be admitted. Ticket purchases are non refundable.
Concession prices apply to students; under 18s; pensioners; those on disability and unemployment benefits; Equity, BECTU & SDUK members.
Any donations will help us to survive beyond the current times. Donations will also help support independent arts and theatremakers - an essential step in preserving the future of fringe theatre.