He's Six Years Older Than Me
The play is about an obsession a woman builds up on researching the vicious pattern from her past relationships. On a typical Sunday, she realises that three guys from her past relationships are all six years older than her. They existed in her life in different times and different situations but were the same age and the same problem to her. She starts researching the ‘pattern’ in her dating history within the belief of fixing the problem, whatsoever, she had in it. It may be just her fetish for the certain age of a man?
Instagram @6ix_yrs_older
Date & Time: Sun 22nd Sept @3pm
Running Time: 60mins
Content Warnings: Sexual content, semi-nudity, blood image, strong language. Recommended for over 14s.
Performed by: Taeyun Kim
Latecomers may not be admitted. Ticket purchases are non refundable.
Concession prices apply to students; under 18s; pensioners; those on disability and unemployment benefits; Equity, BECTU & SDUK members.
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