Mixed Omens
In the shadows that lie between real life and mythos lurk characters who are entirely normal but impossible all at once. Demons and gods alike intermingle with humans- sometimes seamlessly, sometimes not. Based on the works of Neil Gaiman (American Gods, The Sandman, Good Omens), Mixed Omens creates an entirely new show every evening. There’s no need to be superstitious of course... or is there?
Mixed Omens is brought to you by The Improvised Play, one of London’s premier narrative improv groups. Previous shows include The Glass Imaginary (Tennessee Williams), and Love and Misinformation (Caryl Churchill.)
Date & Time: Sun 6th Oct @1pm
Running Time: 60mins
Content warnings: Strong language & Audience Interaction.
Latecomers may not be admitted. Ticket purchases are non refundable.
Concession prices apply to students; under 18s; pensioners; those on disability and unemployment benefits; Equity, BECTU & SDUK members.
Any donations will help us to survive beyond the current times. Donations will also help support independent arts and theatremakers - an essential step in preserving the future of fringe theatre.