'Plaything' follows a young comedy cabaret performer who is notorious for her on-stage toddler persona. She gets a big break and is interviewed on live TV but it doesn’t go quite as planned...After scrutiny from authoritative industry figures, she feels forced to take radical action to make them fall back in love with her. The tactic? To perform a brand new character every time she gets on stage. Combining audio tracks, AI, lipsyncing, musical theatre numbers and drag, the show is a cacophony of visuals and sound. She is a masterful player, but she is nobody’s plaything.
Creative Members
Director - Julia Sopher
Movement/Voice Director- Cassidy McCartan
Voiceover Actors- Will Tusker, Guy Rapacioli, George Kirby-Smith, Claire Thompson
Social Media Handles
Instagram: plaything_the_play
Thanks to
Theatre Deli for spaces, Camden Records LTD. for audio engineering, Twisty Turny Theatre / Old Nunhead Fringe Support
Date & Time: Sun 22nd Sept @7pm
Running Time: 45mins
Content warnings: Strong language, Flashing Lights & Audience Interaction
Performed by Isabella Thompson
Latecomers may not be admitted. Ticket purchases are non refundable.
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